Akamai University's Center for Education and Literacy or Center for Sustained Human Development (See Programs/Courses)
Interested in continuing education and professional development? Look at the new Akawai University at http://www.akawaiuniversity.us.
Click on the Hawaii site, then go to Center for Education and Literacy or Center for Sustained Human Development's Institute
of Social Studies and "Course Offerings."
NEW!! Dr. Johnson is now offering a Tobacco Cessation Specialist Certificate program for any one with a college education
interested in learning how to earn colledge credits and become a quit-tobacco specialist and health promotion professional.
Go to http://www.akamaiuniversity.us link and search for the
Tobacco Cessation Specialist Certificate information in
the Center for Education and Literacy and the Center for
Applied Psychology and Human Services for program descriptions and enrollment information.
Our Dr. Johnson is teaching/mentoring distance-learning Masters/Doctorates)courses in the Sociology, Social Psychology
& Education programs for the Centers for Education and Literacy and Sustained Human Development. Check out these courses
online and their respective
Bachelor's, Masters, Masters-Doctorate, and Doctorate
Distance-Learning Degree Programs:
ERE: 500 Research Methods in Social Science (3)
ELH: 502 Leadership and Team Building in Education (3)
EPS: 530 Developing Communication Skills for the 21st Century (3)
EPS: 531 Developing Quality Interpersonal Relationships (3)
EPS: 532 Introduction to Social Psychology Theories, Methods, and Research (3)
EPS: 621 Social Psychology of Tobacco Use and Weight Gains (3)
EPS: 622 Sociology of the Small Group: Theories, Methods, and Research (3)
EPS: 632 Creativity in the Classroom (3)
CAI: 626 The Identification, Social Development, and Interaction with Gifted and Talented Students in Classroom Groups
and Social Settings (3)
SOC: 501 Introduction to Sociology: Theory, Methods, and
Applications (3)
SOC: 502 Leadership and Team Building in Diverse Social
Settings (3)
SOC: 506 Sociology of the Small Group: Theories, Methods,
and Research (3)
SOC: 507 Social Influence and Interpersonal Behavior (3)
SOC: 514 Group Dynamics (3)
SOC: 518 Social Research Methods in Social Studies (3)
SOC: 604 Social Research Projects, Creative Problem- Solving, and Human Development Applications (3)
SOC: 617 Systematic Behavioral Observation and Field Research Methods (3-6)
SPS: 503 Introducation to Social Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Research (3)
SPS: 504 Developing Social Communication Skills (3)
SPS: 505 Identifying, Developing, and Facilitating Effective Interpersonal Relationships (3)
SPS: 506 Team Building (3)
SPS: 508 Social Psychology of Health and Wellness (3)
SPS: 511 Social Psychology of Personal Development (3)
SPS: 513 Social Psychology of Creativity (3)
SPS: 514 Social Psychology of Stress Management (3)
SPS: 515 Social Psychology of Addictions (3)
SPS: 516 Social Psychology of Tobacco Use and Cessation for
Life (3)
SPS: 517 Social Psychology of Obesity and Weight-Related Problems (3)
SPS: 518 Social Research Methods in Social Psychology (3)
SPS: 520 Studies in Social Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Research Applications (3)
SPS: 500/600 Readings in Educational/Social/Psychological Foundations (3-6)
SPS: 613 Advanced Studies in the Social Psychology of Creativity (3-6)
SPS: 616 Social Psychology of Tobacco Use and Cessation for
Life (3)
Look for more Akamai University course offerings in the future here and at the Akamai web site link (see above).
Course references/messages/assignments for Akamai University students currently enrolled as follows:
Center for Education and Literacy:
EPS: 532 Introduction to Social Psychology Theories, Methods, and Research (3) (doctoral)--CURRENT
Aronson, E., Wilson, T.D., Akert, Robin M. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, (4th ed.)Clifton-Heights, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2001 ISBN 0130288640
(Hardback or paperback)
ISBN 0205138616 (Paperback)
G. Lindzey and E. Aronson (Eds.) Handbook of Social Psychology, Random House, NY, 1985, ISBN 0394350499,
Volume I: Theory and Methods and ISBN 0394350502, Volume II: Special Fields and Applications (3rd ed.) (c.f.., Chapters
1 and 2 History of Social Psychology; Chapter 4
Cognitive Perspective; Chapter 6 Symbolic Interaction and Role Theory; Chapter 14 Altruism and Aggression; Chapter
15 Attribution and Social Perception; Chapter 18 Language Use and Language Users; Chapter 20 Social Influences and Conformity)
D. T. Gilbert, S. T. Fiske, & G. Lindzey (Eds.) Handbook of Social Psychology, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1998, Volumes
I and II (4th ed.)
EPS: 530 Developing Communication Skills for the 21st Century (3) (doctoral) NC
ACE: 513 Developing Quality Communication Skills for the 21st Century (1)Offered in cooperation with ClassroomsUSA (nondegree)
Textbook by Joseph A. DeVito (ed.) The Interpersonal Communication Reader (paperback)Allyn and Bacon, Boston, MA, 2002,
ISBN 0-321-08352-0
Communication handouts with a set of self assessments
Joseph A. DeVito, Essentials of Human Communication, Allyn & Bacon/Longman,2002 (paperback) ISBN 0-321-08652-X
Joseph A. DeVito, The Interpersonal Communication Book, (1976) Harper-Row (paperback)
Joseph A. DeVito, Messages: Building Interpersonal Communication Skills, 2002, 4th edition, Allyn-Bacon, Boston, MA (paperback)
Daniel J. Canary and Michael J. Cody, Interpersonal Communication: A Goals-Based Approach, St. Martin's Press, Inc., NY,
1994 (paperback) ISBN 0-312-03696-5
Deborah Tannen, You Just Don't Understand: Women and Men
in Conversation, Ballantine Books, NY 1990 (paperback)
ISBN 0-345-37205-0
John Gray, Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus: A Practical Guide for Improving Communications and Getting What You
Want in Your Relationships, Quill, (paperback) ISBN 006057216. Unabridged Harper Audio 1998
ISBN 0694519928
Jacki Kwan, Almost Home: Embracing The Magical Connection Between Positive Humor and Spirituality, Cameo Publs. http://www.cameopublications.com,ISBN
R.K. Agnihotri, A.L. Khanna, & I. Sachdev, Social Psychological Perspectives On Second Language Teaching,
Research in Applied Linguistics, Vol. 4, London: Sage,1998
(Excellent collection of international studies of motivational relationships between teacher/classroom variables and second-language
student performance.)
Giles, H. & St.Clair, R. (eds.) Language and Social Psychology, Oxford:Basil Blackwell, 1979
Gardner, R.C. Social Psychology and Second Language Learning: The Role of Attitudes and Motivation. London:
Edwin Arnold, 1985
Gardner, R.C. & Lambert, W.E., Attitudes and Motivation in
Second Language Learning. Rowley: Newbury House, 1972
Giles, H. & Robinson, P. (eds.) Handbook of Language and Social Psychology, Chichester: Wiley, 1990
Giles, H. & Coupland, N. Language: Contexts and Consequences, Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1991
Abrams, D. & Hoog, M.A. (eds.) Social Identity Theory:
Constructive and Critical Advances, Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf,
Edwards, J. Language, Society, and Identity, Oxford: Basil
Blackwell, 1985
Genesee, F. Learning Through Two Languages, Cambridge: Newbury House, 1987
Coupland, N. (ed.) Styles of Discourse, London:Croom, 1988
Giles, H. & Powesland, P. Speech Style and Social Evaluation, London:Academic Press, 1975
Smith, I.E. (ed.) English For Cross-Cultural Communication,
London: Macmillan, 1981
Berger, Charles, R. & Bradac,James J., Language and social
knowledge: Uncertainty in interpersonal relations, London:
Edward Arnold, 1982
Bull, R. & Ramsey, N. The social psychology of facial appearance, NY: Springer-Verlag, 1988
Burgoon, Judee K., et al. Nonverbal communication: The
unspoken dialogue (2nd ed.) NY: McGraw-Hill, 1995
Butler, Pamela E. Talking to yourself: Learning the language of self-support, NY: Harper & Row, 1981
Ng, Sik Hung & Bradac, James J. Power in language: Verbal Communication and Social Influence, Newbury,CA: Sage, 1993
Fine, J. (ed.) Second Language Discourse: A textbook of current research, Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1988
"Current Research In Social Psychology" Electronic Journal, http://www.uiowa.edu/~grpproc/crisp/crisp.htm/
Journal of Nonverbal Behavior at:
Language and Communication
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal
at: http://www.sbp-journal.com/
Albans, Daniel C. & Albans, Cherry, "Meaning in context: The impact of eye contact and perception of threat on
proximity," Journal of Social Psychology, 129, 525-531,
Bavelas, Janet, "Can one not communicate? Behavior and
Communicating:A reply to Motley, Western Journal of Speech
Communication, 54, 593-602, 1990
Capella, Joseph N.,"The facial feedback hypothesis in human
interaction: Review and speculation, Journal of Language
and Social Psychology, 12, 13-29, 1993
Research on Language and Social Interaction
Human Communication Research
Social Psychology Quarterly
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development
Journal of Applied Communication Research
Language and Communication
Journal of Social Psychology
European Journal of Social Psychology
Educational Psychology Review
Communication Monographs
Dissertation Monographs
Dissertation Abstracts, University of Michigan
British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
Perceptual and Motor Skills
Psychological Reports
North American Journal of Psychology
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (table of contents)at:
Journal of Language and Social Psychology
International Journal of the Sociology of Language
"Personality and social influence on verbal and nonverbal
behavior," (articles/reprints) at:
The Social Web link at: http://www.socioweb.com/~markbl/socioweb/
Electronic Journal of Sociology at
Sociological Research Online at:
Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior
Journal of Memory and Language
Language Learning
International Journal of Applied Linguistics
Journal of Educational Psychology
Psychological Journals LINKS/INDEX:
Zuckerman, M. et al.(1981) "Facial, autonomic, and
subjective components of emotion: The facial feedback
hypothesis versus the externalizer-internalizer distinction," J. of Personality and Social Psychology, 41, 929-944.
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